WTH is happening to Marriages nowadays???

Beautiful people, good evening and Happy Sunday....Hope y'all went to church? Lazy me, I no go. #coversface. Alright, back to the reason why I'm writing this post. I woke up to something terrible this morning...It was so unexpected, and it shocked me to my bone marrow! There is this neighbour of ours, A well devoted Christian couple (SU, as You, guys will say :). So, I woke up this morning and I met them fighting and shouting at each other ...it was even their noise that woke me up. They got married in 2013 and their union has been blessed with a 1-year-old, little girl. "What causes their fight?" Did you ask? Well, I learnt that they have been fighting since the beginning of this year. They will fight (Hey! It's not as if they are exchanging blows o, Ehn Ehn :-)), but they will have one or two misunderstanding and the husband's uncle will call the two of them and settle it. We didn't even know they are not in good terms with one another, not until this mo...